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Stevens & Bolton pricing
  1. Stevens & Bolton pricing

    We understand that most owner managers value price certainty very highly when working with professional advisers.

    We aim to gain an early understanding of the detailed scope of work expected of us and have developed a range of pricing choices with a view to aligning our services and pricing to client priorities.

    This includes embracing where appropriate "versioning" through which a range of prices can be made available, allowing clients to choose between a lower priced more straightforward approach or a more comprehensive approach.

    Examples of pricing strategies include project managing hourly rate working to agreed budgets; fixed prices;  fee cap and collars; abort/success fees; retainers; and service level guarantees. Not all options will be suitable for all clients and all projects, but we seek to engage openly with our clients to arrive at an appropriate fee structure for each project.


        • Company secretarial services
        • Corporate
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Franchising
        • Restructuring and insolvency
        • Sustainability and ESG
        • +44 (0)1483 401232
        • +44 (0)7525 002012
        • View profile
        • Automotive
        • Corporate
        • Energy
        • Entrepreneurs
        • IT
        • Technology and media
        • +44 (0)1483 734213
        • +44 (0)07887 713516
        • View profile
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Franchising
        • Hospitality
        • Restructuring and insolvency
        • +44 (0)1483 734248
        • Guildford
        • View profile
        • Employment
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Insurance
        • IT
        • Life sciences
        • Restructuring and insolvency
        • Retail
        • Technology and media
        • +44 (0)1483 734232
        • +44 (0)7900 365147
        • View profile
        • Corporate
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Technology and media
        • +44 (0)1483 401254
        • Guildford
        • View profile
        • Brexit
        • Defamation and reputation management
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Franchising
        • Intellectual property
        • IT
        • Life sciences
        • Sport
        • Technology and media
        • +44 (0)1483 406988
        • Guildford
        • View profile
        • Corporate
        • Energy
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Insurance
        • Partnership
        • Technology and media
        • +44 (0)1483 734204
        • Guildford
        • View profile
        • Brexit
        • Corporate tax
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Share schemes
        • Taxation
        • +44 (0)1483 406954
        • Guildford
        • View profile
        • Corporate
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Partnership
        • Technology and media
        • +44 (0)1483 734223
        • Guildford
        • View profile
        • Corporate tax
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Life sciences
        • Real estate
        • Share schemes
        • Taxation
        • +44 (0)1483 401209
        • Guildford
        • View profile
        • Banking and finance
        • Entrepreneurs
        • Hospitality
        • Real estate
        • +44 (0)1483 406955
        • View profile
        • Dispute resolution
        • Entrepreneurs
        • +44 (0)1483 734291
        • Guildford
        • View profile
  2. News


    ESG: where are we today?

    The Future Fund opens for business

    The start-up liquidity bridge

    NIP Problems in the bud

    Scaling-up family businesses


    Business Bridge - Summer 2021

    Business Bridge - Autumn 2020

    Business Bridge - Winter 2019

    Business Bridge - Summer 2019

    Business Bridge - Winter 2018

    Business Bridge - Spring 2018

    Business Bridge Autumn 2017

    Business Bridge - Winter 2016

    Entrepreneurs' Relief Overview

    Briefing Notes

    The UK PSC Register Requirements

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