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Unmarried Family
  1. Unmarried Family

    Increasing numbers of relationship breakdowns involve unmarried families who face the same issues as divorcing couples but without the benefit of specific laws to help resolve their differences.  

    Rather, they must rely on an inadequate patchwork of complex property and trust laws that can often leave them in a very vulnerable position.

    We can help deal with issues arising from the joint ownership or occupation of a family home, as well as financial and other issues involving children.


        • Family
        • +44 (0)1483 401262
        • Guildford
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        • Family
        • +44 (0)1483 401250
        • Guildford
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        • Family
        • +44 (0)1483 406431
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        • Family
        • +44 (0)1483 734268
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    • Penny Marshall
        • Family
        • +44 (0)1483 406490
        • +44 (0)7581 068267
        • View profile
  2. News


    A tactical bankruptcy?

    Trusts: Every penny counts

    The rise of the online divorce

    How to avoid inheritance disputes

    Divorce: honesty is the best policy

    How to have a 'good' divorce

    General bias in divorce

    Dating during divorce - top 10 tips

    Briefing Notes

    CPI and RPI indexing

    Financial procedures on divorce

    Fixed fee no fault divorce

    Mediation on separation and divorce

    Obtaining a No Fault Divorce

    One solicitor, one couple

    Pre and post nuptial agreements

    Purchasing a property together

    Treatment of trust on divorce

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