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Same Sex Marriage and Civil Partnerships
  1. Same Sex Marriage and Civil Partnerships

    If your marriage or civil partnership fails, we can advise you in relation to the dissolution of that partnership.  

    To obtain a divorce or dissolution, it is necessary to show that the marriage or civil partnership has irretrievably broken down. That is demonstrated in one of four different ways: 

    • One spouse has behaved unreasonably and the other spouse cannot reasonably be expected to live with them
    • One spouse has deserted the other for a continuous period of two years before presentation of the divorce petition
    • The spouses have lived separately and apart for a continuous period of two years before presentation of the divorce petition and the respondent spouse agrees to a decree being granted
    • The spouses have lived separately and apart for a continuous period of five years before presentation of the divorce petition


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  2. News


    A tactical bankruptcy?

    Trusts: Every penny counts

    The rise of the online divorce

    How to avoid inheritance disputes

    Divorce: honesty is the best policy

    How to have a 'good' divorce

    General bias in divorce

    Dating during divorce - top 10 tips

    Briefing Notes

    CPI and RPI indexing

    Financial procedures on divorce

    Fixed fee no fault divorce

    Mediation on separation and divorce

    Obtaining a No Fault Divorce

    One solicitor, one couple

    Pre and post nuptial agreements

    Purchasing a property together

    Treatment of trust on divorce

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