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  1. Children

    One of the most emotional and difficult aspects of family breakdown is deciding issues regarding the children.

    Sorting this out amicably is important for the future well-being of the children. However, if parents cannot agree, we can assist with providing mediation and collaborative services or applications to the court to:

    • Decide where the children should live
    • Decide how much time the children should spend with the parent with whom they don’t predominantly live
    • Resolve specific issues, for example relating to schooling or medical treatment
    • Prevent an event involving the children from occurring, for example a child being removed from the country

    With an increasingly international dimension to many families, we see more applications by one parent wishing to return home with the children after a separation. Where there is a dispute, the court must give permission for such a move. We have successfully made, and opposed, many such applications for clients whose former spouses/partners sought to move either internationally or domestically.


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        • +44 (0)1483 401262
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        • +44 (0)1483 734268
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    • Penny Marshall
        • Family
        • +44 (0)1483 406490
        • +44 (0)7581 068267
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  2. News


    A tactical bankruptcy?

    Trusts: Every penny counts

    The rise of the online divorce

    How to avoid inheritance disputes

    Divorce: honesty is the best policy

    How to have a 'good' divorce

    General bias in divorce

    Dating during divorce - top 10 tips

    Briefing Notes

    CPI and RPI indexing

    Financial procedures on divorce

    Fixed fee no fault divorce

    Mediation on separation and divorce

    Obtaining a No Fault Divorce

    One solicitor, one couple

    Pre and post nuptial agreements

    Purchasing a property together

    Treatment of trust on divorce

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