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  1. Copyright

    Every business owns a large amount of copyright material, whether they realise it or not. 

    Copyright protects original artistic, musical, dramatic and literary works, including computer programs, sound recordings, films, broadcasts and typographical arrangements of published works. As copyright arises automatically without the need for registration, businesses are often unaware of the full extent and value of their copyright material.  Anything from a set of slides for a pitch given to a potential customer, to a complex algorithm, to a set of instructions for use of an industrial machine, may be protected by copyright so long as they are original.

    As copyright is the intellectual property right which most often applies to software, its importance to businesses in the digital world cannot be underestimated.  Ownership of copyright in software and other materials developed for a business can be complex and should be addressed at an early stage.

    Our team has extensive experience in copyright disputes and litigation, commercial arrangements and transactions involving copyright and advising on strategies to safeguard copyright works and enforce rights where necessary.


  2. Our experience

    • Acting for the owner of a technology standard for subscription-based TV services in High Court proceedings against a German company, in a claim involving infringement of licence terms and circumvention of technical devices applied to copyright works under s.296ZD of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
    • Representing a South African media company in a claim for copyright infringement before the UK Intellectual Property Enterprise Court. The case concerned the unauthorised online reproduction of over 1,600 photographs in South Africa and is frequently cited in the context of jurisdiction and the targeting of online content.
    • Bringing proceedings for declaratory relief in the High Court on behalf of a major UK petrochemical company against a design agency, concerning copyright ownership in a business logo.
    • Advising one of the UK's major copyright collecting societies in a complex dispute concerning the flow of international royalty payments.
    • Representing a major Australian media company in copyright infringement proceedings concerning the unauthorised reproduction of photographic works.
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        • +44 (0)1483 401263
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        • Technology and media
        • +44 (0)1483 406956
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        • Intellectual property
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        • +44 (0)1483 401256
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        • +44 (0)1483 406961
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        • +44 (0)1483 734226
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        • +44 (0)1483 406453
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        • +44 (0)1483 406419
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        • Intellectual property
        • +44 (0)1483 401260
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  3. News


    New beings: legal issues and AI

    Trade secrets - a Q&A

    Patents - only humans need apply

    Getting the right credit on IMDb


    The In-House Track - first issue!

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