Construction and engineering: Look forward to 2022

Construction and engineering: Look forward to 2022

Construction and engineering: Look forward to 2022

As we move away from the cold confines of winter and into the warmth of spring, why not take an opportunity to watch our latest series of video-blogs, looking at some of the key changes and challenges facing the construction sector in the year ahead.

In this short series of blogs, the construction and engineering team aim to bring you quickly up to speed with these developments and provide you with practical, effective advice that you can look to incorporate into your projects going forward.

Covering a range of topics from building regulations and standard-form contracts to adjudication and alternative dispute resolution, these are relevant to all parties involved in the construction industry. A summary of each episode in the series can be found below:

Adjudication - highlights from 2021 and practical tips for 2022

Adjudication continues to be the most popular form of dispute resolution for construction claims and that doesn’t look likely to change any time soon. In our first episode, Claire Perry of the construction team takes a brief look back at the adjudication highlights of 2021 and offers some practical tips for future adjudications in 2022.

Extension of time in Standard Form Contracts: Can the effects of Covid-19 be a basis for an EOT?

In episode 2, construction and engineering Associate Jonathan Farrell, looks at the extension of time process in three standard form contracts (the JCT D&B 2016, NEC3/NEC4, and MF1) and whether the implications of Covid-19 can be used as a basis of an extension of time. He discusses the grounds for extension of time under these contracts, as well as the process for granting an extension of time.

Upcoming changes to Building Regulations - What do we know?

In episode 3, construction and engineering Senior Associate Gwilym Evans, looks at the Building Safety Bill and the changes it heralds for the construction industry. He discusses the goals of the bill and how it updates the building regulation regime in England and Wales.

Suspension and termination provisions under common law contracts

In episode 4, Christopher Lamb considers suspension and termination provisions under common law construction contracts and some of the notable misconceptions surrounding these. Consideration is also given as to practical steps the parties can take to avoid these issues arising on their own projects going forward.

Dropping the "alternative" in "alternative dispute resolution" - A move towards compulsory ADR for construction disputes?

In episode 5, Lauren Melnyk looks at alternative dispute resolution processes and the UK Ministry of Justice’s call for evidence on how dispute resolution processes can be more fully integrated in the justice system. Lauren discusses the potential move in the direction of mandatory ADR and what this may look like for construction disputes going forward.

If you have any further questions in respect of any of the topics in our videos, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your usual Stevens & Bolton contact or any of our speakers who will be happy to assist.

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