This month, the ICO has issued a code of practice on the anonymisation of data. The code is essential reading for any organisation which anonymises and shares data. It provides guidance on the risks, techniques and implications of anonymising data and sharing anonymised data. There are also various case studies which offer useful practical advice.
Anonymisation, for those unfamiliar with the term, is the process by which data is converted into a format which does not indentify individuals and where identification is unlikely to take place (i.e. it is unlikely that the “anonymised data” could be combined with other information to identify the individual). The ICO encourages the use of anonymisation on the basis that it allows organisations to make information public whilst still complying with the Data Protection Act.
A copy of the guide can be found here.
If you would like further information about data protection issues, please contact Beverley Flynn on +44 (0)1483 734264 or email